Thursday, May 19, 2011

CHAKRA Boosters!! Why you NEED THEM! Day 10/79

Hi my friends,

Here is a post about Chakra boosters. These temporary tattoos are supposed to give ALL your chakras energy and clearing. This will in tune help a person manifest at HYPER speeds.

Here you go enjoy!

If you'd like some FREE money with ZERO investment go here:

How to use the LAW OF ATTRACTION to manifest your DREAM HOME! Day 9/79

Hi my friends,

Here is a home that I wish to have. Its not really my home. I simply borrowed a friends home that I really liked and just did my OWN version of MTV


If you're looking to be FINACIALLY FREE go here:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The ULTIMATE GAME of LIFE!! Day 8 of the 79 day challenge

So its ON!! The ULTIMATE game of LIFE challenge. On this video I explain EXACTLY what will be going on in the next 90 days!! You'll understand why I am also doing a 79 day challenge instead of a 90 day one!


Click here to earn some FREE cash with ZERO investment!!

I am STRESSED OUT!! Day 7 of the 79 day challenge

Here is a way I RELIEVE my stress after a hard days work. You may find yourself laughing hysterically!!

To earn some FREE CASH go here:

What I learned at the UNSTOPPABLE Entrepreneur Event! Day 6 of 79

Here is a little heart to heart video I did stating exactly what I learned at the UE event.


To learn how to earn some FREE CASH, go to:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 5 of the 79 day challenge! UNSTOPPABLE Para Sailing ADVENTURE part 2

Ok my friends,

This was my FIRST time Para Sailing EVER!! I got two camera angles. One from the boat and one camera flying WITH ME! This is a Video you CANNOT miss! You need to watch this NOW!!

If you want to learn how I earn FREE money with ZERO investment involved! Go here:

Day 4 of 79 day challenge UNSTOPPABLE PARA Sailing MISSION Part 1

Ok my friends,

Its day 4 in my 79 day challenge till the UNSTOPPABLE Millionaire conference! And here is a video where I ventured off and made it a goal to Para Sail. This is part 1 of the adventure.

Part 2 will be next!

If you want to learn about how to make money with ZERO investment involved. Go here:

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The UNSTOPPABLE Entrepreneur PARTY!! Day 3/79

Ok,THIS was my weekend. I am posting this to show you that seminars dont always have to be JUST information. But a CELEBRATION of entrepreneurs having the TIME of their lives!!

Sit back, JUMP UP and DOWN and ENJOY!!

IF you want to learn how I make money with ZERO investment involved, go here:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

DAY 2 of the 79 day challenge. The UNSTOPPABLE Experience Part 1: The Warm Up Party...

Hi my friends. On this day 2 of the 79 day challenge I show the video of when I was at the Unstoppable Entrepreneur event. In this video I show some key people before we enter the room. Then tomorrow we show what will go on inside. Hope you enjoy and we'll talk soon.

Also here is a way you can get FREE money with ZERO out of pocket. I have made over 50k using this strategy and IT WORKS!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The 79 day challenge until the "UNSTOPPABLE MILLIONAIRE" event!

Just got back from one of the most INCREDIBLE events ever!! The "UNSTOPPABLE ENTREPRENEUR" event! This event was energetic, FUN, informative, inspirational, spiritual, and well put together!

I have been to MANY MANY MANY seminars in my days. But THIS one really takes the cake!

In July of THIS year 2011 we are having the "UNSTOPPABLE MILLIONAIRE" event. On the video down below, I go into more depth! Enjoy!

Learn how I help people receive 80 dollar payments with NO money to start! :-)